After admitting to everyone that the spelling of "Helmut" was in fact unintentional, I will now share another humbling experience in my recent history.
I really like sunglasses. For as long as I can remember, buying expensive sunglasses even when I did not need a pair was on of my weaknesses. It was extremely ironic when Lady GaGa became one of my favorite people in the world because like me, she shares a love of sunglasses. (Hers a just a lot cooler and a little less practical then the ones I buy.)
Several weeks ago, I purchased a new pair of Oliver People's sunglasses. The Daddy O's. Love the name, althoug that is not the reason I bought them. I'd seem them in magazines for several months and everytime I would say to myself, I really like those, I wonder what they are. When I continually found out they were Oliver People's Daddy O's, I made the decision to buy them.
I loved sporting the new shades. Particularly when wearing a bandana because I feel it makes me look semi-rockstaresque and I appreciate that. The bandana also keeps them in place because I have yet to get them sized. (I'm beginning to think I have a small head.)
Sometimes I'd wear them while driving and other times I would choose to wear another favorite of mine, the Oliver People's Zooey design. Those are a classic I always revert back to. (Thank you Zooey Deschanel, you did brilliantly in designing them.)
In my car I have a heads up display. This means that I have a little computer screen in the dashboard of my car that reflects onto the windshield so that I always know how fast I'm going. When using my navigation, that too is reflected onto the shield. It is a lot more convenient because I almost never miss my turn when using that. It took a while to get use to, but now I almost always go way to fast when it "isn't working."
When the temperature began getting in the 100s everyday, I noticed my heads up display wasn't working regularly. I couldn't figure it out. Sometimes it would work and other times it wouldn't. I immediately assumed it was the heat. Sometimes it wouldn't be working on my way to my house, but when I left my house, it would magically work again. I was perplexed.... until a recent trip to Kansas City.
My friend Michelle and I were using my navigation to direct us around the city. Although Michelle has lived in the greater Kansas City area for over a year now, she has yet to completely get the highway systems down. Not a big deal. We had back up. It was working fine... and then it stopped working and went dim. I was pissed. I started telling Michelle how I was going to have to take my car in because it kept going out.
Turns out my new rockstaresque Daddy O's were polarized. A feature that my older Zooey's did not possess. The glare of light is very similar to a digitalized image. Go figure.
So now I've learned my lesson. Use your head before jumping to conclusions.... and when pulled over by a police officer for speeding, attempt to use that as an excuse... although I'd put money on it that it would just piss him off that a 23 year old had a heads up display in the first place.
Haha, yeah something tells me a police officer wouldn't totally sympathize with, "I'm sorry officer, my polarized designer sunglasses were messing with my HUD!"
ReplyDeleteAlright, but I'm still bored. Whatever shall I do with the rest of my evening?
ReplyDeleteIt was just a minor miscalculation... don't judge.