I would like to share with everyone the text I received about 5 minutes ago... but before I tell you what it said I'd like to give you a little background on the friend that took the time to text me.
Her name is Linda and she is one of my very best friends. Linda and I met about 5 years ago but became good friends only 3 years ago. When we were seniors, Linda and I and 2 others moved into a house together. We had a lot of fun. For those of you who know Linda, you know that she is probably one of the most entertaining people you have ever met. I think it helps that her name is Linda. Linda has a theory that everybody who is named Linda (excluding herself) is either over 50 or overweight. To date I have yet to find someone that disproves this theory.
Now, Linda is a very intelligent young lady. Its just that sometimes, the things she says don't sound that intelligent. We have a similar issue of not thinking of what we are going to say before we say it. In fact, my favorite catch phrase of Linda's is "You're right." The great thing about this catch phrase of hers is often times it is employed before you even say anything back to her.
EXAMPLE: Linda and I are home alone and it is storming out. Katie (our other roommate) is not back from work yet and Michelle (our other roommate) is on her way to Kingfisher to see her now husband. (Don't kid yourself, we told Michelle she was a dumbass for driving in the storm, but lucky for us, she survived.) When I say storm, I mean there had been tornados that had touched down around the area, and the sirens were going off in Stillwater. So naturally, Linda and I go to the basement of our ghetto house. In the basement, there is an old tv that worked the last time we tried it. When in the basement, I decided to turn it on so we could watch the news. Well, it wouldn't turn on. To which Linda replied, "OMG do you think the electricity went out?" I look at Linda, I look at the light, I look back at Linda... "You're right." Gotta love her.
Now to the text...
Linda: I'm saying this because we're friends... You have misspelled "helmut" on your blog. It's "helmet." Love you :)
Then later,
Linda: I knew you'd appreciate that! We're friends, right?
Yes Linda, we are friends. And I feel now that this gives you adequate material to make fun of me whenever I comment on the dumb things that can come out of your mouth. Love you and thank you for pointing out that just because one is in law school, doesn't meant they know how to spell. HA!
P.S. Remember that time you thought a cyclone was a one-eyed monster and I wasn't really thinking and when we were discussing it with Michelle she called us both out?
"You move your body like a cyclops!"
I assumed the "helmut" spelling was intentional, perhaps a reference to Helmut Lang or the metal band Helmut. I was wrong to give you the benefit of the doubt.