I have a problem. It involves over-indulging while on vacation. I see food, I eat food. I see liquor, I drink liquor. On any typical day, I try to remain pretty healthy. The past month excluded. Due to my love of food and the drink (the love being owed to my DNA), I am the proud new owner of 8 additional pounds.
This poses a problem because I am going to Elay in very soon…. Perhaps the most self-centered/superficial town in the U.S. of A. To fix the problem, I knew it required fast action. On the ride home from Taos, I informed my sister I had to go back on the diet that helped me lose weight the first time. At first I wanted to lose 5 lbs. in two weeks but after getting off the scale, I think I’m going to shoot for 8. Technical, I only have 8 days so I must attempt to lose one pound a day. (Please no one worry, I watch the Biggest Loser all the time, I am a pro…. Plus I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night #joke.)
The spin to this story, is that my brother-in-law made a remark that he wanted to do it with me. And so being the competitive person I am, I decided to challenge him to a battle. Whoever loses the most weight in two weeks, wins $100. He is going down.
Yesterday I consumed around 1200 calories, while burning around 700. Today… I didn’t fair so well. I dreamed of sweets all day. Instead of succumbing to my dream of brownies and ice cream, I instead chose to have an antioxidant-filled bottle of wine. It was delicious. However, I think it set me back a day.
Despite my lapse in judgment, I know I will still beat my brother-in-law. I am going to get back on track and kick his ass. I mean shit… he had grilled cheese and tomato basil last night… I win.
Daniel, get ready to go DOWN. I am the queen of weight loss when I actually try.
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