Some friends, including myself, chose to check their grades on their phones... God love technology. Others, however, chose to exercise patience. Something I do not pretend to have, although I'm told its a virtue.
My grades weren't horrible... they weren't the best, but I could be less fortunate. My grades have consistently gotten worse in the three semesters I've been in law school. I don't know if I'm losing brain cells or if everyone else is just getting smarter... or perhaps the amount of preparation I put into exams has grown which gives me less motivation to actually study the materials I've prepared.
Regardless, after I checked my grades I did what only one could do in a situation like that.... SHOTS FOR EVERYONE! Ok not everyone, but several of my friends.
As I was sitting their "drowning" my sorrows (which keep in mind I had a 9:30am class so my drowning did not consist of much) I wanted one thing in my life.... MARTY AND ELAINE.
Marty and Elaine... about a 65+ year old couple of lounge singers in Los Angeles. They played at a bar called The Dresden and they were HIGHlarious. Elaine played the piano, Marty played the drums and then they had a bass player who looked like he was still coked out from the 80s. Marty and Elaine each took turns sharing the miche.
The most fascinating aspect of their act was Elaine. She too looked coked out. She had this sort of Ray Charles/staring off blindly with a goofy ass smile on her face while playing the piano thing going on. And every so often she would stand up and play her keyboard while scatting.
Yes, scatting. She was a scatter. She would slam her fingers down on her keyboard, which was tuned like an organ, and begin squealing off high pitch skats. Most the time you could not make out what exactly she was singing, but you know I recorded it. BECAUSE IT WAS FABULOUS.
She scatted. She sang. She played... oh and she also used scotch tape to tape her bang curl in place. You could see the shiniest of it when you looked at her. It was great.
Bottom Line: Whenever you are having a bad day... think of Elaine and Marty and the happiness they bring to the lives of so many.
Below are pictures of Elaine jammin' out... and also a video clip which was from when Elaine whipped out her flute.
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