Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 2... still Step 1

Today is "juice" day. But seeing as I have no juicer, today will be smoothie day instead. Breakfast smoothie? Delightful. Fresh squeezed orange juice, bananas, strawberry, cherries, and vitamins. It was so good, I shared with mom.

Lunch smoothie? Disgusting. Spinach, cantelope, V8, apple and lemon juice. There is a part of me that truly believes it could've been worst. But that didn't make it any easier to choke down.

I cheated last night... technically. My mom picked up some Eischen's on her way back to the city. I outlasted the chicken, however the fried okra was over powering. I only had like 3, but still.

Today I've eaten some chocolate covered raisins... also a cheat.

I'm really debating whether or not I want to continue doing this. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm home and my mom is making a steamed chicken for dinner that looks amazing... but it's getting old already.

Perhaps once I actually start the actual drink itself, I'll be a little bit more positive about the whole thing. Right now I feel like I'm on a rabbit's diet, and I'm NOT digging it.


No cheating once the drink starts. Tomorrow is day dedicated to orange juice.... I think I might combine that with today and start the lemonade drink instead.

When life gives you lemons... and a few extra pounds... try the lemonade diet. Boom. Tagline.

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