Friday, February 25, 2011

Easin' in on Day 1

Easin' in isn't as easy as you'd think. It isn't even 3:30 and I'm unfulfilled. Today I am only allowed to eat fruits and vegetables. And I don't know if this is part of the cleanse or not, but I'm only eating raw fruits and vegetables... it may be easier if some of them were cooked, but for some reason I think I'm just supposed to eat raw... Does anyone know what "live foods" are? i.e. Can live foods be cooked?

Oh well. I've eaten a banana, an apple, a bag of carrots, a cucumber, tomatoes and strawberries. I'm supposed to eat more vegetables than fruit, but it's not my fault that fruit tastes so much better. I've run out of things to eat, so tonight I think I'm going to go get some artichokes and have some of THAT. DELICIOUS. I don't care if I have to cook em. NUM NUM NUM.

At this point, the only thing preventing me from eating those chocolate covered raisins lying on the kitchen cabinet is the fact that I'm writing this blog. By documenting every day for every one to see, it makes it a lot easier to not cheat. However, knowing myself as I do, I really wouldn't be surprised if I talked myself into it... "The ease-in is optional. You don't have to keep to it 100%. C'mon." My stomach and mind are combining forces and have placed two little devils on my shoulder. One is telling me to eat a hard boiled egg... the other is telling me to eat M&M's... ass hole.

This morning I took pictures of my stomach and weighed in... I'm anxious to see where this cleanse takes me. I watched some youtube videos of a girl that did the master cleanse last night. WHOA! She lost 15lbs in 10 days. I'm not aiming that high... I'd just like to be where I was this time last year. That would be nice.

Tomorrow my mother will probably be very angry with me throughout the entire day.... Tomorrow is a juice/broth day. I have to purify everything I eat. Something about your body being able to absorb the nutrients better because it doesn't have to break down the food first... The only thing this means to my mom it's going to be A MESS. I probably shouldn't have come home for this portion of the cleanse.



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