Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rude!...but genius!

There is a gym down the street from where I live. They are currently bulldozing their parking lot to make more money by putting in an outlet mall of sorts... i.e. they are putting three stores/shops/restaurants in. (The owner is a real entrepreneur.)

The most ironic/hilarious/sad thing about this little business venture is the fact that one of the businesses being put in is an IHOP. That is just wrong. They are putting an International House of Pancakes, which is open 24 hours a day, in front of a 24-Hour Fitness gym. Boom. Talk about setting people up for failure.

This makes as much sense as putting an abortion clinic in front of a sperm bank.... they are placing a business that will undo everything the individual just achieved in the other business.

While I was laughing hysterically about what was going through these entrepreneurs' minds, I realized THEY ARE GENIUSES. They are doing things exactly like Coca-Cola. When coke first came out, they had minutes amount of cocaine in the beverage and caffeine... two very addicting substances. Then when they decided to get a piece of the pie in the bottled water industry, they decided to screw with people by adding sodium to their Dasani water... (its not there for preservation people... water doesn't go stale.)

They place an ingredient in the water, which makes you need more.... 24-Hour Fitness is placing a restaurant in front of their business that will make people walk out and say to themselves, "I feel huge, I need to work out.... oh look a gym."

Rude!... but genius.

1 comment:

  1. The same train of thought goes into putting a picture of chocolate or food right next to a picture of a skinny woman in magazines. Don't think it's unintentional. The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar scam, because the country is still fat. If we all quit eating, we wouldn't need to work out or buy diet products to make up for it.
