Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Penny Auctions

Before I begin enjoying some great classics, and not enjoying reading a long monotamous book, I thought I'd draw everyone's attention to QuiBids. I recently was informed about this site after a trip to Chicago for Lollapalooza. The girl I went with works there and the first 20 minutes of our journey consisted of her explaining this site to me. ITS GENIUS.

It is a penny auction site. The items begin at one or two cents and when someone bids on it, it will only increase by either one or two cents. The catch is, everytime you bid, it costs you 60 cents. (In order to bid, you must first purchase the bids.) Everytime a bid is placed on an item, the clock resets to 10-20 seconds. So virtually, you could walk away having purchased something like a camera or an iPod for $0.61 if no one else is bidding on it.

I recently wasted some of my bids. I thought I could buy something in just a couple of clicks, boy was I wrong. I've been watching the items... and some of them can go on for hours. INSANE. So when someone as impulsive as me purchases bids on a site like this, I end up just wasting money because when I click, I want immediate satisfaction. I don't want to sit around and wait for hours. But I suppose when finals role around and I need something to preoccupy me from studying, those bids might come in handy.

Check it out.

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